Al Ain Regional Plan 2030
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The Al Ain Region represents the 13,000 square kilometre eastern portion of Abu Dhabi Emirates. It has a population of 570,000 people, expected to double to one million by 2030. CIVITAS Studio was the lead master planner teaming with Perkins + Will, in an engagement process led by Larry Beasley & Associates. Key to the process was a design charrette held in Al Ain with a team of international experts. The result was 20-year growth plan that created a sensitive development strategy, respecting the traditional Emirati lifestyle, while increasing economic opportunities.
The planning work included:
- Charrettes and workshops with key stakeholders and officials which guided the planning process;
- Economic and demographic analysis to understand both the lifestyle and economic factors driving regional demands;
- Environmental analyses to understand the ecological assets of the region;
- Archaeological summaries of the cultural riches of the region; and,
- Concept growth plans for the 19 settlements.
The resulting plan identified sub-regional growth centres as engines of economic growth and as accessible places for services and community amenities.
Awards 2009 ISOCARP Awards for Excellence, International Society of City and Regional Planners