Qiddiya Districts Master Plan
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The District 9C Concept Master Plan outlines proposal for a diverse and balanced development in Central Qiddiya with a structure of multiple neighbourhoods offering a range of housing choices, community amenities and activities, and a set of special places and destinations.
The District 11B Concept Master Plan outlines proposal for a diverse and balanced development in Central Qiddiya with a structure of multiple neighbourhoods offering a range of housing choices, community amenities and activities, and a set of special places and destinations.
Key features of the master plan include:
A Natural Open Space Framework of preserved wadi corridors.
A Development Pattern based on creating 5-minute walk neighbourhoods focused on a local park, set between wadi corridors, with a street grid oriented to cliff and golf course views.
A Central Precinct/District Centre with a transit supportive mix and density of jobs, retail and housing.
Two Local Centres, located at transit, to provide local neighbourhood retail and amenity.
A Density/Height Transect with higher densities clustered near the central transit and retail axis, allowing for cliff/golf views over lower densities located at the periphery.
A Mobility Network that keeps vehicle traffic at the periphery of neighbourhoods and allows for a five-minute walk to transit for all residents.