Burrard Transit Corridor Study
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As a city grows there is a need invest in transit to connect people and jobs, reduce emissions, and ensure congestion that does not slow economic growth. New transit investment is best integrated with land use planning to ensure the appropriate mixes of homes, jobs and retail to encourage transit ridership and balance directional flows. CIVITAS Studio explored the potential for dedicated rapid transit along the Burrard Corridor in Vancouver’s city centre. The study discovered the following opportunities:
1. The existing Downtown job+population intensities along the Burrard Corridor (300-800 jobs+population/Hectare) surpass minimum transit intensities and can support a dedicated frequent transit line investment.
2. Opportunities exist to increase Burrard Slopes intensities to support rapid transit investment (300-400 jobs+population/Ha).
3. Linking Expo Line & Broadway Line would enhance connectivity to key Burrard Corridor employment areas (Burrard Slopes, Financial District).
4. Future lost St. Paul Hospital job density can be replaced/enhanced on-site with new jobs and also new resident population.